Town of Danby, Vermont
Town Offices Renovation Project 2019
The Danby Town Office at 130 Brook Road was built in 1849 as School Number 8. The limestone of which it is constructed was quarried from the the ledges along the brook just across the road, and the stone was sawn into blocks several hundred yards farther up the hill at the stone sawmill owned and operated by Elijah Bradley. According to Vermont Historic Preservation this may be the only schoolhouse in the state so constructed.
This was also known as The Borough School, and until Currier Memorial School was constructed in 1966, there was a large addition on the front of the building which housed the high school. This addition was constructed toward the end of the 19th or early 20th century. Students from North Dorset also attended the high school and took the passenger train from North Dorset in the morning and afternoon. Because of its relatively small size, the high school did not meet the needs of the students as well as larger schools such as that in Wallingford, and it was discontinued in the mid-20th century and the structure razed.
In 1968 the building was turned into the town office and, for a number of years, also housed the pre-school. Fifty-one years later the building is once again being renovated.
The wide scope of this work includes repairing and replacing broken slate on the roof as a short term fix until enough money can be saved to replace the roof, painting and repairing the exterior trim, replacing the windows with exact replicas made of vinyl with energy efficient glass, re-pointing the mortar between the stones, repairing broken floor joists and installing new pre-finished oak floors throughout, re-configuring the bathroom to provide handicapped accessibility, updating the electrical system and installing energy efficient lighting, re-configuring the Town Clerk's office to provide more work space and storage, and completely painting the interior.
The Selectboard wishes to thank the Road Crew for their efficient help moving the furnishing and equipment to storage and asks everyone to be careful as they access the property to use the dump or conduct business in the office as there will be an extra number of vehicles and construction personnel on the site. We will keep this page updated with progress photos. To view pictures, hover over it below; once you do you'll be able to click thru them.
The town is also looking at town garage renovations - read the attached for a write-up that will be included in the upcoming ballot: Click here
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