Any legal voter of the TOWN OF DANBY, VERMONT who is interested in appointment to fill the vacancy on the Select Board until Town Meeting 2025 should submit a letter of interest which includes qualifications and experience to the board prior to 3:00PM, October 8, 2024. Letters may be mailed to the town at PO BOX 231, DANBY, VT 05739 or sent via email to
Town of Danby seeks to hire one Full Time and
one “On Call”/Part Time worker for the highway department. Contact Steve Haines, Foreman,
at 802-293-5137.
Photos and Video of Veteran's Day Observance on 11/9/2019
Danby and Mt. Tabor residents turned out on a cool November Saturday after our first snow fall to celebrate our veterans. It was held at the Veterans Memorial at 174 Mt. Tabor Avenue in Danby. In addition to showcasing enhancements at the memorial completed this year, we unveiled a new veteran added to the wall, Erynn M. Hazlett (for the Middle East Wars) and had several distinguished speakers, including a special guest Frank O'Classen (local Vietnam Vet), Linda Joy-Sullivan (our state rep and member of the DMTNow Board) reading a letter from Gov. Phil Scott and two of our senators: Cheryl Hooker and Brian Collamore. Local Boy Scouts and our own Katie Gaiotti sang the anthem (see video recording below). After the event, most of those in attendance gathered at the 'Village Square Building' at 34 S. Main Street - refreshments, snacks and music were served! It was a wonderful event and thanks to all that joined us!