Town of Danby, Vermont
Information About Our Town

Community Profile
Danby was first settled in the mid-18th Century as a farming community by settlers from Nine Partners, New York. In the years following 1765, Danby Four Corners was laid out as the first town center for small scale farm operations throughout the hills surrounding it.
Land Use
For planning and discussion purposes, the following land use districts have been identified, and policies developed for their use: Highlands, Agriculture and Rural Residential, Industrial / Heavy Commercial, Village and Light Commercial, Aquifer Protection and Special Flood Hazard Area.
Energy planning in the municipal plan supports integrated policies and strategies for resource protection, transportation, land use, and community facilities and services. The municipal energy plan also forms the basis for related community energy programs and actions.
Housing, particularly affordable housing, is a critical concern in Rutland County and the State of Vermont.
Cultural and Recreational Resources
A free library has served the Town of Danby since 1906, the year the Silas L. Griffith Memorial Library opened its doors on South Main Street in the Borough.
Natural Resources
Danby has many important scenic resources that need protection.
Agriculture and Forestry
Agriculture and forestry have been an important part of Danby’s livelihood for over two centuries.
An effective transportation network provides access and mobility to and through the Town of Danby for residents, visitors and businesses.
Economic Development
Planning for economic development establishes and maintains the community’s diversity and unique character.
Utilities, Facilities and Education
The Town of Danby and its partners endeavor to maintain and improve access to safe and efficient services and utilities throughout the community.
Flood Resilience
Flood events are Vermont’s most frequent and costly type of natural disaster.
More Information Available
Each of the topics above are expanded on in the latest town plan - click here for more information.

Several maps, extracted from the town plan, are provided here.
Map showing river corridor, flood areas, and stream set-back areas is provided here.
Town History
Publications: History of Danby written by J. Williams in 1869.
Danby Two Centuries (1976)
Visit Mt. Tabor/Danby Historical Society website for lots of other information.
Other interesting links with information about Danby include:
Danby on the National Historical Places Register
Surrounding towns, websites/information: