Town of Danby, Vermont
The 2024 Town of Danby Annual Report will be available on line at
If you wish to have a hard copy mailed to you, request PRIOR TO JANUARY 27, 2025
by contacting the Town Clerk’s Office at 802-293-5136 X 3 or Absentee ballot requests must be made
EVERY year by the same method.
Covid test kits are available at the
Danby Town Clerk's Office
Danby - Mt. Tabor Town Wide Tag Sale
Third Annual Town Wide Tag Sale Saturday, August 7, 2021 (rain date 8/21/2021) 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
To register for the Tag Sale Event, complete and send the form below, and mail y our check to:
Danby-Mt. Tabor Now Inc., 34 Main Street, Danby, VT 05739
Or if you'd like, mail a form with your check - click here for a copy of the form you can print: Registration Form
If you'd like to pay online, fill out the application below, and click Submit. You will be returned to this page where you can click on the Buy Now button, and pay through PayPal with your PayPal account or your credit/debit card.
Pricing is as follows:
Home owners having a sale at their home without being included on the map: no charge - you must advertise yourself
Home owners having a sale at their home, includes a listing on the event map: $15
Vendors or individuals setting up a 10' x10" space in the Village on Main Street (to be inside-1st come 1st serve; or outside) - $20
Vehicles - $20 each
Vehicles with trailers - $35 each
Extra tables - $5 each
Danby-Mt. Tabor Now Inc. is the organization sponsoring and managing this event, and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization. Danby-Mt Tabor Now Inc. also built the Veterans Memorial on Main Street. Your payments are used to offset costs for the tag sale event and to help maintain the veterans Memorial. Payments may be tax deductible.